A1: verbo “to be”

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2. Verbo “to be”.

El verbo “to be” cambia según la persona y el tiempo verbal.

En presente simple, sus formas son:

They are (ellos son/están)

I am (yo soy/estoy)

You are (tú eres/estás, ustedes son/están)

He/She/It is (él/ella/eso es/está)

He/She/It is (él/ella/eso es/está)

En pasado simple, sus formas son:

1. I was (yo era/estaba)

2. You were (tú eras/estabas, ustedes eran/estaban)

3. He/She/It was (él/ella/eso era/estaba)

4. We were (nosotros éramos/estábamos)

5. They were (ellos eran/estaban)

Usos del verbo “to be”

1. Identidad

Se usa para decir quién es alguien o qué es algo.

– Ejemplo: I am a teacher. (Soy profesor/a).

– Ejemplo: She is a doctor. (Ella es doctora).

2. Descripción de características

Se usa para describir características físicas o personales.

– Ejemplo: He is tall. (Él es alto).

– Ejemplo: They are friendly. (Ellos son amables).

3. Ubicación

Se usa para indicar la ubicación de personas, lugares o cosas.

– Ejemplo: The book is on the table. (El libro está sobre la mesa).

– Ejemplo: We are at home. (Estamos en casa).

4. Estados temporales

Se usa para describir estados temporales o condiciones.

– Ejemplo: I am tired. (Estoy cansado/a).

– Ejemplo: She is happy. (Ella está feliz).

5. Edad

Se usa para indicar la edad.

– Ejemplo: I am 25 years old. (Tengo 25 años).

– Ejemplo: He is ten. (Él tiene diez años).

Formas negativas

Para hacer el verbo “to be” negativo, se añade “not” después del verbo.

– Ejemplo en presente: I am not (I’m not), You are not (You aren’t), He/She/It is not (He/She/It isn’t), We are not (We aren’t), They are not (They aren’t).

– Ejemplo en pasado: I was not (I wasn’t), You were not (You weren’t), He/She/It was not (He/She/It wasn’t), We were not (We weren’t), They were not (They weren’t).

Formas interrogativas

Para formar preguntas, se invierte el sujeto y el verbo “to be”.

– Ejemplo en presente: Am I…? Are you…? Is he/she/it…? Are we…? Are they…?

  – Ejemplo: Are you a student? (¿Eres estudiante?)

– Ejemplo en pasado: Was I…? Were you…? Was he/she/it…? Were we…? Were they…?

  – Ejemplo: Were they at the party? (¿Estaban ellos en la fiesta?)

El verbo “to be” es fundamental en inglés y se utiliza en una amplia variedad de contextos, por lo que es esencial dominarlo para comunicarse efectivamente.


Ejercicio 1: Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo “to be” en presente

1. I ___ a student.

2. She ___ very tall.

3. They ___ at home.

4. You ___ my best friend.

5. We ___ happy today.

6. It ___ a beautiful day.

7. He ___ not here right now.

Ejercicio 2: Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo “to be” en pasado

1. I ___ at the party last night.

2. They ___ very tired after the trip.

3. She ___ not in the office yesterday.

4. We ___ excited about the concert.

5. He ___ a famous actor in the 90s.

6. You ___ late for the meeting.

Ejercicio 3: Convierte las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en negativas (presente)

1. She is a good singer.

2. They are my neighbors.

3. We are ready for the test.

4. It is a big problem.

5. He is at the gym.

Ejercicio 4: Convierte las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en interrogativas (presente)

1. You are a teacher.

2. They are from Canada.

3. We are best friends.

4. She is an artist.

5. It is raining.

Ejercicio 5: Completa las preguntas con la forma correcta del verbo “to be” en pasado y responde afirmativamente o negativamente

1. ___ you at the library yesterday? (Yes)

2. ___ they happy with the results? (No)

3. ___ she your teacher last year? (Yes)

4. ___ it a good movie? (No)

5. ___ we on the same team? (Yes)


Ejercicio 1: Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo “to be” en presente

1. I am a student.

2. She is very tall.

3. They are at home.

4. You are my best friend.

5. We are happy today.

6. It is a beautiful day.

7. He is not here right now.

Ejercicio 2: Completa las oraciones con la forma correcta del verbo “to be” en pasado

1. I was at the party last night.

2. They were very tired after the trip.

3. She was not in the office yesterday.

4. We were excited about the concert.

5. He was a famous actor in the 90s.

6. You were late for the meeting.

Ejercicio 3: Convierte las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en negativas (presente)

1. She is not (isn’t) a good singer.

2. They are not (aren’t) my neighbors.

3. We are not (aren’t) ready for the test.

4. It is not (isn’t) a big problem.

5. He is not (isn’t) at the gym.

Ejercicio 4: Convierte las siguientes oraciones afirmativas en interrogativas (presente)

1. Are you a teacher?

2. Are they from Canada?

3. Are we best friends?

4. Is she an artist?

5. Is it raining?

Ejercicio 5: Completa las preguntas con la forma correcta del verbo “to be” en pasado y responde afirmativamente o negativamente

1. Were you at the library yesterday? Yes, I was.

2. Were they happy with the results? No, they weren’t.

3. Was she your teacher last year? Yes, she was.

4. Was it a good movie? No, it wasn’t.

5. Were we on the same team? Yes, we were.

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